Our Corporate, Banking & Finance Practice Group has summarized key provisions on Venture Capital Firms in Indonesia. ...

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On 1 December 2016 the Indonesian Ministry of Informatics and Communication promulgated Regulation No. 20 of 2016 on ...

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The Indonesian Government recently loosen rules on maximum-age for Aircraft in Indonesia. Our Aviation Team has prepared ...

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On 7 December 2016 the Financial Services Authority  (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan - OJK) promulgated Regulation No. ...

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Partner Haryo Baskoro and Of Counsel Retno Hastuti wrote an article on the recent OJK regulation on Fintech. This is a ...

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Our M&A Team wrote an article general procedures for direct acquisition of foreign investment companies in ...

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Investigating a party who allegedly produces and/or sells counterfeit ...

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Partner Haryo Baskoro wrote an article about secured lending in Indonesia. A basic concept in a secured ...

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We can say that the first technology was a rock. People in prehistoric times used rocks to make fire. From a rock to a ...

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1.  Trademarks make it easy for consumers to find you; 2.  Trademarks help prevent marketplace ...

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Based on the Commercial Court's Decision No. 08/Pdt.Sus-MEREK/2014/PN.NIAGA.JKT.PST. that has become final and ...

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Cape Town Convention in Indonesia: A Brief Overview   On 20 February 2007 by Presidential Regulation No. 8 ...

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The following are type of security rights available under Indonesian laws:   1. Hak Tanggungan ...

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The Establishment of a Foreign Investment Company (“PMA Company”) in Indonesia: What You Need To ...

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Corporate guarantee in Indonesia is primarily governed by the Indonesian Civil Code. Please find below the key ...

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